about me

I must admit, I often take control when it comes to planning our travel, in fact I can be obsessed with planning, often staying up very late at night scrolling through google. So, as the younger two children have become older, I have found myself beginning to involve them more […]

Travel planning with kids.

While most people set themselves new year resolutions focussed on stuff like eating healthy, getting fit etc my goals are more aimed at where I would like to travel! Here is my travel goals for 2018 Camping and hiking in Mount Kosciozko. Mount Kosciozko is Australia’s highest peak on the […]

My 2018 travel goals!

At the beginning of the year I talked about my travel goals for the year. Like all New Years goals / resolutions it is always interesting to revisit them to see what was achieved…. or what was not! So here is my look back on my 2017 travel goals! Kangaroo […]

End of 2017 review!

Travelling with Children can look like this…. and this….. and sometimes like this…. Travel with kids can be hard. Travel with kids is not always roses and sunshine. Sometimes travel can cause a little ones world to fall apart. There might be tantrums, tears and meltdowns. There might be teasing, […]

The truth about travelling with kids,

Travelling costs, it doesn’t matter how you do it, whether it’s camping or staying in luxury hotels, you will need money to travel! Lots of people think they can’t save for travel, it’s out of their reach. But if I, as a single mum, can do it so can you! […]

Saving for Travel series: My Favourite Cooking books

By the time I began writing this blog I already had been a single mum for 6 years, I had travelled to five countries and had gone on numerous camping and road trips within Australia. It had become very easy for me to just pack up the kids and go. […]

How I gained confidence to travel solo with my kids.

Travelling costs, it doesn’t matter how you do it, whether it’s camping or staying in luxury hotels, you will need money to travel! Lots of people think they can’t save for travel, it’s out of their reach. But if I, as a single mum, can do it so can you! […]

Saving for Travel series: Thrift Shopping.

Sometimes I wonder why I even attempt this travel blog thing. I struggle to put words down, often writing sentences that make no sense. My spelling and grammar is atrocious ( thank god for spell check because I can’t spell atrocious!) and my typing is not much better. It often […]

Sometimes I wonder why I blog…

For the second time ever I found my self with some free time to myself! So I packed my bags and car and headed south to Kangaroo Valley for four nights. ( The first time I camped solo was  here)   After my first time camping by myself I felt […]

Traveling Solo: Four days alone in Kangaroo Valley