5 things you may (or may not!) know about me. 12

I saw somewhere on a blog (or maybe it was Instagram) a person who had written ” 20 things you might not know about me(them!)” and I sat there thinking that would be interesting to share.  I don’t think I could come up with 20 …. so cut it down to 5!

So, here are my 5 things you may (or may not!) know about me!

I have been married and divorced two times;

From those two marriages I have five kids, presently ranging from 7 to 23 years old (they keep growing up!!!), three girls from my first marriage and a boy and a girl from my second. I’m also quiet happy being single and have no plans to ever get married again (just in case you were wondering…)

I grew up in Sydney;

I was born and spent all my childhood in Sydney before moving up the coast with my first Husband at 23 years of age. I would never go back to Sydney to live…. visiting family is about the only reason I travel down the freeway to the city nowadays!

I was a Brownie, Girl guide and Ranger guide;

Back when it was kinda cool (please tell me it was!) to be involved in the Girl Guides I was so committed that I even became a Brownie leader at one stage. We had many adventures and I meet lots of friends through the organisation and it gave me lots of skills for life.

I would love to live in a tiny house;

I’m a bit obsessed with tiny houses at the moment. Only one problem with this dream so far is the amount of children I have living under my roof… not that I want any of them to leave! I love the idea of living small on some land when I get older, possibly around here or down in Tasmania (the most beautiful place in the world!)

I always wanted more kids;

I always thought I might have had at least 6 children…so I’m at least one off. Obviously life had a different plans for me, but I have been thinking of fostering for quiet a while now so that might happen in the future.

Well, finding 5 things was quiet easy in the end and I now have a few more that I want to share. Maybe an upcoming part two will be on the cards.

Did anything about me surprise you? or did you know it all already!

Do you want to share anything about yourself on here? Comment below!

Safe Travels;


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