
Have you heard of Geocaching? When we first started this hobby as a family it wasn’t very well known, it felt like some underground, possibly illegal activity and most people looked at us strangely when we mention that we do it! Nowadays there is many families and people of all […]

Geocaching with the family.

Each week I am going to ask the kids what there favourite experiences while travelling have been so far. This week I asked Amber ( 21 years old). What have you loved the best so far? When we were in Canada we went snowmobiling . Even though I couldn’t drive […]

Kids recommend: Snowmobiling in Canada.

Following on from my post  5 reasons why your kids should skip school to travel ..  here are some tips so that the process of taking your kids out of school goes smoothly: Follow protocol In recent years there has been some changes in NSW for taking your kids out of […]

Tips for taking your kids out of school for short ...

Your kids will learn so much more. Studies show that children learn so much when they are allowed to explore, play and experiment within the real world, rather then sitting in a classroom behind a desk. They also learn more effectively when they are engaged in experiences that are of […]

5 reasons why your kids should skip school to travel.

The School Holidays are coming! So you want to camp? Don’t know where to start? Camping is the most inexpensive way to travel around Australia. There is plenty of free or very cheap camp spots and it if you do it right, even the set up costs are reasonable. If […]

So you want to go camping?

At the end of January each year, the township of Tamworth hold their annual Country music festival. The festival runs for about 9 days and people flock from all around to listen to Country music from many local and international artists.Jasmine and I had a couple of free days, so […]

Getting all country in Tamworth.

Each week the kids are going to share their travel recommendations. This week I asked Jay what he has been one of his favourite experiences while travelling. What have you loved the best so far? In New Zealand I loved the flying fox thing, it was fun because I got […]

Kids recommend: Ziptrek Ecotours Queenstown