
Its been a bit over a month since I came back from my Trek along the Kokoda track, and I’m finally ready to share my experience. I thought I would share on here my diary which I wrote along the way… I’m going to type it as I wrote it, […]

Dairy of a Kokoda Trekker..Part 3

Its been a bit over a month since I came back from my Trek along the Kokoda track, and I’m finally ready to share my experience. I thought I would share on here my diary which I wrote along the way… I’m going to type it as I wrote it, […]

Dairy of a Kokoda Trekker Part 2!

Nearly one month a go I finished the grueling Kokoda trek. I hiked 96km for 9 days along a muddy, step trail with 10 other people, all who were complete strangers to me.  It was hard both on my body and mind and kinda changed me a little bit. It […]

Diary of a Kokoda Trekker.. Part 1

Lets be honest… we all love to travel but one of the biggest expenses is always accommodation. Well I discovered an “Awesome secret hack” to stay in some amazing places FOR FREE!! Ok, so its not really a hack, and not really a secret.. but it is pretty awesome! Its […]

FREE Accommodation!!!

Do you know that there is more to explore at South West Rock then the amazing Big 4 Sunshine Resort… ( although according to my kids the only reason to go is for this awesome Resort!) Well, if you love Aussie History like I do, then you have to check […]

Exploring history at the Trail Bay Gaol.

You know when I thought back on our adventures in 2018 I didn’t feel like we had travelled alot. But gosh I was wrong! True that we hadn’t travelled overseas or even had a big road trip…. but looking back on my Instagram, Facebook, and the blog I discovered that […]

Our 2018 in Pictures…

If you are going to learn meditation, then I figure you may as well learn from the best at the largest temple in the Southern Hemisphere, the Nan Tien temple. I had already enjoyed a weekend meditation retreat (check it out here!), but with my daughter being a complete newbie, […]

Learning meditation at the Nan Tien Temple.

As I pulled up to the gate of the property my heart raced a little, I started to wonder why I had even signed up for this. I don’t know the first thing about mediation.Would I have to sit on the floor in some death defying yoga like position? Would […]

Travelling Solo: Weekend Meditation retreat.

As I sit here writing this post, I have the Winter Olympics 2018 on the TV. We have stayed up late to watch events, we have cheered on the Aussies, we constantly talk about it over dinner (to the disinterest of one family member!) and we have made a goal […]

Why we love Snow holidays!

Travelling costs, it doesn’t matter how you do it, whether it’s camping or staying in luxury hotels, you will need money to travel! Lots of people think they can’t save for travel, it’s out of their reach. But if I, as a single mum, can do it so can you! […]

Saving for Travels series: Return and Earn Scheme

While most people set themselves new year resolutions focussed on stuff like eating healthy, getting fit etc my goals are more aimed at where I would like to travel! Here is my travel goals for 2018 Camping and hiking in Mount Kosciozko. Mount Kosciozko is Australia’s highest peak on the […]

My 2018 travel goals!

At the beginning of the year I talked about my travel goals for the year. Like all New Years goals / resolutions it is always interesting to revisit them to see what was achieved…. or what was not! So here is my look back on my 2017 travel goals! Kangaroo […]

End of 2017 review!